How does collaborative divorce work?

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2022 | Family law

There are many advantages to avoiding courtroom drama when dissolving a marriage. Couples opting to engage in the collaborative divorce process enjoy significant benefits. Among them are less stress and saving both time and money. They take place in informal settings, and participants may freely exchange information.

Collaborative divorces are even better when each participant knows what will happen. Here is a bit of relevant information worth understanding ahead of time.

Step #1: Choosing attorneys

Both parties deserve legal representation. Both spouses pick a lawyer with whom they feel comfortable. They should interview several before hiring one. Asking the right questions will help guide an appropriate decision.

Step #2: Signing no-court agreements

Next, everyone puts a signature on the contract saying courtroom involvement is unnecessary. If everything breaks down and litigation happens, the attorneys are to withdraw. Under this scenario, new representation becomes necessary.

Step #3: Consulting privately

The parties retreat to review the situation. Separately, they identify issues of importance and decide what compromises are acceptable.

Step #4: Negotiating an agreement

Finally, there is the deal-making stage. More than one meeting often takes place, as this is the most complex aspect. Forensic accountants and child custody professionals are sometimes part of the proceedings.

Step #5: Filing paperwork

Once an understanding is in place, everyone signs paperwork outlining the settlement. The lawyers then file this document with the family court.

The popularity of collaborative divorces is skyrocketing. Those seeking one should understand how they function. If they do, there is a greater chance that everything will go swimmingly. All players need to have respect for the process before it unfolds.